Spindle Repair Cloud

A couple of interesting visualizations using tag clouds or word clouds using the Wordle and TagCrowd websites.A listing of spindles that have come through our shop for repair since our modern record-keeping began roughly ten years ago. The greater the frequency of the repair of a particular brand, the larger the brand name in the visualization.From Wordle.net (click image to view)Wordle: Centerline Spindle RepairsFrom TagCrowd.com:

abrasive advanced machine agathon alfing alfred jaeger alpine ameri seiki american precision spindles anca anderson ansaldo aps argo seiki asahai asahi asc asv ati atlas auerbach axiome bavelloni bayer behr benchman berger bertoni and cotti bertsche biesse blohm blombach boehringer boneham and turner bostomatic boyer schultz bridgeport brio brother brown and sharpe bryant bsi bullard burkhardt and weber campbell cargil carlton carver celoschi centerline chiron churchill cincinnati cincinnati lamb cincinnati mag cinex citizen cleveland cme cms coburn colombo colonial combing comec covel cross huller cyclone cytec daewoo dainichi dankaert deckel deckel maho gildemeister delta denzo deuschle devlieg bullard diebold dmg doall doosan dorries scharmann drake dresser dumore dunham dynamotion ekstrom carlson elb emag emco maier enshu eumach ewag ex cell o excel fadal spindle faemat fag fanuc fellows femco fischer fm eurospindel fm umbra fortuna fortune victor franz kessler frauenthal fritz studer fuji gallmeyer and livingston gamfior gandl giddings and lewis gildemeister gilman gmn gorton grisetti grob grosite haas hamai hamal handtmann machining hardinge harig haril harvill hauser heald heinz fiege heller hemburg henninger herbert lindner herbold hermle hertlein himmel hitachi seiki holzma homag horton hsd hurco huron hybco ibag ihara impco imt incor ingersoll intermac invinceable jaeger jakobsen jandl jet johnford jones and lamson jones and shipman jung jungner karstens kasper kavo kearney and trecker kellenberger keller kennard kent kenward kessler ketterer kia kikinda kindt collins kingsbury kira kitagawa kitako kitamura kiwa klingelnberg ko lee kolb komo koyo kummer lamb leadwell leblond makino lenz liebherr lima lodge and shipley loewe loh gmn maag louis allis lucas maag maho makino marubeni citizen cincom master setco matsuura mazak meiden menlo micromatic mighty mikron mikrosa millport milltronics mitek mitsubishi mitsui seiki miyano monarch mori seiki muratec myford nakamura tome nardini new britain new century niagara nichols nigata niigata niles nippee nippei nippon nishida nomura nordberg northland northwood norton nsk ntn oberg oerlikon okamoto okk okuma and howa oliver oloffson omc omlat onsrud orion overbeck paatz parker majestic parpas pda perske pope pope setco pratt and whitney precise puma quantum quickmill rambaudi ransburg red head reinecker renaud ribon rigid rivett rockwell romi ross routech rudel rush rye saeilo saginaw sakazaki samsung savway schneider schussler schutte seiko seiki setco sheffield shizouka shoda siemens siga sigma simplex sintex sjogren saginaw skf sopko spintec spl springfield stama standard star steptec sticker stoffel strausak studer sugino summit sun tool sunmax sunnen sunstrand supermax swifter swiss lathe sycotec taft pierce takisawa takumi taurus technica tecnometal tekna tempo tenco themac thermowood thibaut thompson thor tong tai tongil topper tornos tos toshiba toyama toyo kogyo toyoda traminer traub tree tripet trudrill truflute tschudin tsugami tulon ulam unison urben uva van norman victor vollmer voumard wadkin wagner waldrich walter ward warner swasey weinig weiss weisser weldon wendt wessel whaceon white sunstrand whitnon wickman sheffield willemin winslow wirth and gruffat wit o matic woods wotan yachyio yamage yamaguchi yamashida yamazaki yang zayer zuber
created at TagCrowd.com


OKK Spindle Repairs and Manufacturing


Mitsubishi Spindle Repair Experts